
Most Dangerous Sharks

Are sharks really dangerous? Well, watching ‘Jaws’ could tell you something about that. Any shark which is bigger than 6 feet (1.8 meters) is a possible threat to humans due to its size and adaptations, like jaws and stronger teeth. These sharks do not specifically troll for human flesh, often humans are mistaken for seals, sea lions or other common prey animals. According to the official list issued by Institute of Shark Attack Files (ISAF) of most dangerous sharks the White Shark tops the list with 451 attacks recorded till May 2009. The other followers are Tiger Shark (158 attacks), Bull Shark (120 attacks), Requiem Shark (75 attacks), and Sand Tiger Shark (59 attacks).

1. Great White Shark
The great white shark is recognized to have most fatal attacks on humans. The danger related with this species is unquestionably associated with its size and the curious way of approaching its assumed prey. Since swimmers and surfers resemble seal or sea lion from below the water, they are mistaken as the shark’s usual prey.

2. Tiger Shark
The tiger shark stands second to the white sharks in the number of attacks on humans. Tiger sharks are known to live in warm waters and thus come in regular contact with humans. Its large size along with the hunting style mostly close to the shore or ocean surface, indiscriminate appetite and natural curiosity makes them predominantly threatening to divers and swimmers.

3. Bull Shark
The bull shark is third in the number of human attacks. Characterized with its big size and habitat including populated tropical areas and freshwater bodies, it becomes a more probable threat than white or tiger sharks.

4. Requiem Shark
Standing fourth in the rank, Requiem sharks are accountable for a great share of human attacks. But due to the difficulty in identification of individual species, the degree of inaccuracy is high in attack records.

5. Sand Tiger Shark
Fifth in the row is the sand tiger shark. They live in shallow waters and thus are more in contact with humans. Its long teeth make its appearance more deceiving.

The other considerable dangerous species are Shortfin Mako Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Black Tip Shark, Narrow Tooth Shark, Blue Shark, and Nurse Shark.

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