
Most Dangerous Spiders

Who said the teeny-tiny spiders could not eat up a human being? This is no science fiction but the truth. Nearly all spiders’ are venomous, but just few have the capability to harm humans. Mainly spiders use their poison to paralyze their kill and then consume it, some also use it for self defense. A spider bite can lead to severe symptoms like extreme pain, nausea, swelling and even death. Some spiders possess neurotoxic venom, which affects the nervous system, whilst some have necrotic venom, which damage the tissues surrounding the place of bite. Following are some of the world’s most dangerous spiders:

1. Brazilian Wandering Spider
It is the most venomous spider and is mainly found Central and South America. They hide in shelters during daytime, and roam in the forests during night. At display of threat these spiders raise their body in an upright position and lift its front legs in the air swaying its whole body. They are major cause of human deaths due to spider bite. They do not hesitate to attack anything, which appears to be threatening.

2. Australian Funnel Web Spider
These spiders are found on the eastern coast of Australia. Ranging from 1 to 5 cm in size it is of dark brown or black in color, with a glossy covering. Their fangs are large and strong, pointing straight downwards. The toxins contained in the venom are known as the Atracotoxins. Even if the toxins are not dangerous to wild animals, they are very harmful to humans. Its venom can cause death within 15 minutes of bite.

3. Black Widow Spider
They are glossy black in color and have an hourglass like picture in red color on the thorax. Its venom is of neurotoxin type. The bite is usually not painful, but later swells and fang marks are visible. However, most bites don’t have serious long term effects, but they are known to be fatal.

It is important to have detailed information before dealing with them. Even if small, their venom can easily incapacitate a normal human being.

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