
Most Dangerous Insect in the World

You might not realize it, but mosquitoes are actually the world’s most dangerous insect. In terms of ‘dangerous’, we are referring to it as being the insect that causes the most life threatening effects. Mosquitoes are able to transmit diseases without actually becoming infected themselves.

The leading mosquito transmitted disease is Malaria. Each year, mosquitoes are responsible for 300 million new cases of Malaria. In fact, about 10% of the world’s population is infected with the disease. According to the World Health Organization, three million people die from Malaria annually. Along with Malaria, mosquitoes can transmit countless diseases- including Dengue fever, Yellow fever, West Nile virus, encephalitis and elephantiasis.

Mosquitoes are such a nuisance because they are found all over the world except for in Antarctica. In North America alone, there are approximately 170 different species of mosquitoes.

It’s estimated that mosquitoes will be responsible for the deaths of 1 in 17 people currently living. With about 700 million people becoming infected with mosquito transmitted diseases each year, do yourself a favor and follow a few rules to greatly reduce your chances of mosquito bites.

Mosquito Bite Prevention:

  • Wear mosquito repellent. DEET is often regarded as the best repellent available.
  • Wear light colored clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
  • Wear as much clothing as possible. Although mosquitos can make their way through clothing, it will cut down on bites.

Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. Plan outdoor activity accordingly to avoid these high-risk times.

Question: Did you know mosquito’s are the Most Dangerous Insect in the World? What Animal do you think takes this title?

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